As an experienced and respected dealer of antique swords and edged weapons for many years and author of numerous books on the subject, I can provide a professional consultancy service for academic institutions, media and film companies.
Historical programmes and Movies
If you are making a programme or movie that requires absolute historical accuracy with regard to the correct swords and edged weapons carried by all cultures throughout history and need an enthusiastic and knowledgeable partner who can identify and advise you during the production process, then I can provide this service for you.
Lecture Service
I can also provide clients with a comprehensive and interesting lecture service if required. A fee is payable (+ travel and/or accommodation expenses). Further details are available upon request.
Books Published
See below for images of the books I have produced to date. If you want more information about these books please click on the images.
Please contact me at with your requirements and I will endeavour to help you.