British 1920/25 Pattern Air Force Officer’s Sword

IN 1920, AN AIR MINISTRY ORDER announced the introduction of a full-dress uniform for officers of the RAF.  As part of this announcement a sword with a gilt hilt and eagle head pommel was required to be worn with the uniform.  The Air Ministry formally laid out the exact specifications for the RAF officer’s sword in 1925, the sword having a single-edged, straight blade with gold-plated brass hilt, white fishskin grip and a brass, eagle head pommel.  Etching to the blade includes an eagle with outstretched wings and royal crown above.  Occasionally, some blades are named but this is quite rare although Sword of Honour presentation swords given to RAF cadets for exemplary leadership and officer qualities are known to exist.

The scabbard is made of black leather with gilt-plated brass mounts and loose hanging rings, while officers of Air Rank and above carried a version with more ornate, engraved mounts.  This is the sword still carried by RAF officers today.  Most post-war examples encountered were made by Wilkinson Sword until they ceased production of swords in 2005.

© Harvey Withers Military Publishing, 2024

Taken from The British Sword – From 1600 to the Present Day – An Illustrated History by Harvey J S Withers – 12,000 full colour photographs – 884 pages

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